Tuesday, December 28

[Trans] Yoochun’s rap in Nameless Song part. 1

Yoochun’s RAP: Have I ever told a story like this?
The last few months of 2003 the members practicing on stage, easily won the first competition
Became the newcomers of 2004, won many newcomer awards
We weren’t yet satisfied and couldn’t help but desire for more
The year 2005 we debuted in Japan, originally thought it would be as easy as it was in Korea
But when our first single only sold 4000 copies, we lost our confidence
Can’t do anything about this, our work, apartment, and company became our prison
Too much loneliness, tears and anger
Making us become one, no matter what happens we will be together
credit: baidutvxq    
trans+shared by: sharingyoochun.net

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